Wednesday 16 October 2013

Dear friends...
I am most happy to announce that with the kind and hearty co operation of Dr. Rallabandi Kavitha Prasadgaru

(Director, Cultural Affairs, Govern. of A.P.) publication of  my revered father (maa ayyagaru) Dr.Outtaparthi Narayanacharya's Padya Sahityam and Gadya Sahityam of One volume each are being published in his CENTENERY year. I want to add that one SWAMARA SANCHIKA is also in plan. In due couse all the three will be released. I thank a lot  MALAYAPPA SWAMY of seven hills for this Blessing. Jayaho Puttaparthi Saraswathama! Jananapeethanike jnanapeethama!.. 

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