Wednesday 27 November 2013

Frienz dears...
Here is a very exciting news about maa ayyagar's ASTAKSHARI kruthulu by Oriental Manuscrpts Library A.P.Govt. Sriman Mandali Buddha Prasadgaru took initiative to publish this voluminous work during the centenery celebration of maa ayyagaru...

Today afternoon Director Oriental Manuscrpts Library Dr.Sripada Subrahmanyamgaru called upon a meeting along with famous musicians Sriman akella Mallikarjuna Sarmagaru and Sriman Komanduri Seshadrigaru and me also to discuss about the above publication.

Decision was taken to publish 1001 Astakshari kruthulu of maa ayyagaru by Feb.2014 in connection with his centenery. Really exciting u know? Yes...This all happened with the initiation of Sriman Mandali Buddha Prasadgaru..Lots and lots of Thanks To Sriman Buddhaprasadgaru...

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