Saturday 25 January 2014

Friendz dears....From past ten days I am very veryyyyyyyyyyyyy..busy in the proof corrections of maa ayyagaru's 'ASTHAKSHARI Kruthulu' that r being published by 'A.P.Oriental Manuscripts Library, Hyderabad. The theoretical , musical details are being given by Shriman Komanduri Seshadrigaru and the textual corrections, i am doing. Though Sriman Komandurigaru is in USA from past 4 months for teaching his students there, he is sparing his utmost time for this work. Every morning and evening we both are sitting near LAPTOP and online (Magic Jack) we both r doing the work very fastly so that the work should complete by Feb. 2014 end. As maa ayyagaru's centenery is reaching very fast,I am hastening up the  the DTP work of maa ayyagaru's complete works  also.  Dr. Rallabandi Kavitha prasadgaru (Director, Cultural affairs) is very keen to complete these works to mark the 'CENTENERY Celebrations ' of 'MAA AYYAGARU'.Thanks a lot to him!
Friendz, me and Seshadrigaru r also very much excited while going thru maa ayyagaru's astakshari kruthulu. In my opinion every song is a MUKTAKA KAVYA in it's own right with completeness of bhava, sabda prayoga, choosing of ragas suitable to the bhava and alankaras also. I am wondered to see his lyrics in very rare ragas like Gavambodhi, Indu Dhanyasi, Rudra Panchama, Nataabharana, Keerthi Priya and so on. I am seeing completely a different
PUTTAPARTHI in these lyrics. All his literary nuances are reflecting in these ATAKSHARI Kruthulu. Very soon these lyrics will be available to u all. I am happy that I am also holding some responsibility   though small, in this HISTORICAL literary event.

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