Friday 14 February 2014

Friendz dears, This is the English Translation of maa ayyagaru's SIVATANDAVAM by Ilapavuluri Panduranga Raogaru published in 'INDIAN POETRY TODAY' in 1981 'Indian council for Cultural relations'.

                          " SIVATANDAVAM"

        What a blissful bloom
         has blessed the entire earth
        Lord Shiva has come to stage
        his eternal dance, his graceful sport
        so tender, yet so wild.

        See the clouds which have gathered in a moment
        to witness the movements of the limbs of the Lord
        Like waves and dreams
        like chains of coral bunches
        like celestial nymphs have gathered
        the thick dark and daring clouds.

        Look at the birds making the primal sounds,
        to suit the tinkling sounds of the divine ankles
        They match the melodies of the mountain-maid
        the consort of Lord Shiva..

        Even the bowers and twigs
        swing in joy, nod their heads
        and bunches after bunches shed the flowers.
        Each flower eager to find
        a place in the decoration of the divine couple
        that is why that smile, that is why tat grace.

        What a blissful bloom
        has blessed the entire earth
        Lored Shiva has come
        to stage his dance
        so tender, yet so wild.

        The slender tender limbs of the couple
        reset the touch of even the softest flower
        Bharathi and Brahma look after
        the make-up of the divine couple
        Parvathi and Parameshwara.

        There is breeze everywhere
        to greet the Lord, to serve him with sounds
        Takajham Takajham Taka Dirikita Tom
        When the Lord of the Universe
        chooses to dance to please the breeze
        the bridal bees whisper with grace.

        Look at these brooks running in haste
        to attend the dance without a minute's waste
        Look at the twilight like an excited house wife
        setting her silken saree right
        adjusting her waist correcting her sight
        Who told her all about this?
        Who else except the mother earth!

        The Lord and His Consort
        are set to dance
        The Sun has stopped
        to  wait and see-
        perhaps to report  all about this
        to the people in the west.

        Look at the deers
        with eyes full of tears th wash the feet of divine couple.

        The tender sprouting leaves
        whisper among themselves
        wanting to say something
        but not finding words to suit their feelings.

        Oh! It is beyond all words, all sounds and
        all imagination.
        The Lord has come down
        to stage his dance
        so tender, yet so wild
        to bless the blissful earth.

  Translated by Sri I.Panduranga Rao


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