Wednesday 23 April 2014

Dear Friendz.....
Since the commencement of JAYA VATSARAM with  UGADI- I am very very busy in preparing the 'GADYA SAHITYA SARVASWAMS' (Three parts) ready for release. U alllllllllll know that from June 3rd the state will be officially divided into 2 parts.Exactly 60 years back the very first 'BHASHA PARYUKTA RASTRAM' (Andhra Pradesh) was formed in 1953. As maa ayyagaru used to say 'RAAJA KAALASYA KAARANAM' means the rulers and rulers and only RULERS were, are and will be the 'DICTATORS' to change  the TIME (means change of time which includes the thinking, culture, living trends, fashions, arts and what not?) In 2013 this very big state has been divided into 2 piece state. But I think there should not be any 'BARRICADES' for the culture and literature. Is n't it friendz?
Any way, I am also in dead hurry to finish off the work of  'Puttaparthi Gadya sahitya sarvaswams' shortly. I really find myself missed in the "NARAYANA SAHITEE GAHANA VANAM" DEEP forest of literature of maa ayyagaru, going thru all his works at a time. He wrote for the children of 6th class (the then 1st form) 7th class (2nd form) and 8th class (3rd form) also in the year 1953. He wrote in the foreword that I am writing in the language of children so that    'children learning in these classes should develop a 'Deep liking towards their mother tongue and mother land in this newly formed 'Andhra Pradesh' state.' He wrote about some pouranic characters like Narada,  Karna, Pareekshith, some great writers like 'Adikavi Valmiki' Kalidasa,  Pothana, Bhattumurthy and so on, Samrats like Krishna Deva Raya, Khadga Tikkana, Jambukeswara (Kampili Raju) and some Brave Sons of the state like Sardar Patel, Veeresalingam Panthulu, and Arabindo.
I have seen a complete different 'Puttaparthi" in his novels like 'Abhayapradanam' 'Prateekaram' 'Haridaasi' and in stories related to Vijayanagara empire. I have seen him as a great Historian explaining how the Muslim kings conquered and created 'HAVOC' in south India. In one of the places, he refereed to a Foreign traveler's quoted  words that the money got by selling a village woman's ornaments was enough to purchase the then 'Portugeese' country.That was the state of our country especially South India
As a Critic, as a translator, as a Fiction writer and as a POET, Puttaparthi  proved his complete 'SARASWATHI PUTRATVAM' in these writings.
Friendz dears, I have noticed  maa ayyagaru's MOTTO in his life that 'STRUGGLE IS THE ONLY KEY FOR SUCCESS.' success will be at ur feet according to ur struggle. U all know that maa ayyagaru (without any DEGREE) got the golden chance of working at Govt. Arts College, Ananthapur, University of Trivandrum and even at Sahitya Academy Delhi. But he gave importance to his 'ATMASAMMAN' (self respect) and choosen the job of  a teacher  in a small town of the then KADAPA and continued till his last breath in  a very simple life in a simple house.
Having a very nice job and writing 'MAHAKAVYAS' was not at all his choice. He even dared to live near grave yard. All the time  he experimented with life and learnt 14 languages, came up in all his extraordinary intelligence as a "poet" "critic" "Vaggeyakara" "Translator" "commentator" "Orator" and a  "Philosopher" too.
And friendz, pl. understand 'Puttaparthivaru' and his life  and like his sampurna "PUMBHAVA SARASWATITVAM'.

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